Students with high quantitative scores usually do well with complex mathematical or numerical activities and concepts. Quantitative subtest: measures mathematical reasoning and problem solving, numerical sequences and patterns, and manipulation of mathematical concepts. Since most classroom instruction and assignments are language-based, these students typically perform very well in the classroom on a daily basis. Students with high verbal scores usually do well in reading and language activities. Verbal subtest: measures verbal aptitude, word knowledge and concepts, facility with language, verbal reasoning, and analogies. Therefore, the test really is just a measure of how well a person is able to solve general problems that require either one, two or all of the reasoning skills that should be at their disposal. For example, if your child encounters a problem that is quantitative in nature and they have a highly functioning quantitative skill set, they will do better than someone who is functioning higher in verbal reasoning. When a person is confronted with a problem, they have the ability to use any of these reasoning skills to solve it. The cognitive testing that is done measures your child's ability according to three different areas, quantitative, verbal and non-verbal skills. The CogAT test is a way to determine which skills your child is using to reason through a problem and to come to a conclusion. Although there are natural tendencies, each person is different. Each of us uses different skills to solve a problem, in fact, no two individuals will usually approach a problem from the same perspective. It is a learning abilities evaluation that says little about what students actually already know and more about what they are capable of figuring out.

#Cogat practice test second grade how to#
How to Take Smarter Balanced Practice Tests.Second Grade & Above Identification Process.

Jefferson Accelerated Math & Science Program (JAMS).